Get off the launch rollercoaster

Tired of exhausting feast-or-famine launch cycles? The ones where you pour your heart and soul into creating an amazing offer, spend weeks hyping it up, then get a burst of sales followed by a long period of nada. This constant hustle leaves you stressed, exhausted, and on the verge of hating your business.

There’s a better way…

We teach a more minimal, systematic approach that blends the power of live launches and the stability of evergreen funnels, plus a stream of affiliate sales to create a stream of more consistent, reliable sales.

No more endless cycles of launch prep, promotion, and recovery. Instead, we help you build a more efficient and sustainable system that brings more sales and more profit with less burnout.

Hustle? We Don’t Know Her

How would it feel to have…

  • A simple launch strategy that generates consistent, reliable sales

  • More time and energy to focus on what you enjoy most in business (and life)

  • Reduced stress knowing you have a sales system in place that’s always working (even when you’re not)

The Launch Library framework focuses on:

  • Profitable launches: Get the attention of dream customers who are excited to buy

  • Automating your sales: Evergreen funnels that nurture and sell on autopilot

  • Scaling your business sustainably: We’re talking growth over time, sans burnout, and a business you can be proud of

Hey! I’m Melody

In 2015, I dove headfirst into the online business space and it turns out, I have a knack for this whole launch thing.

I’ve since worked behind the scenes on 70+ launches for clients and myself that have collectively raked in over $16MM in revenue. Not too shabby. But hold on, because numbers only tell half the story.

My driving force for doing what I do is to help women achieve financial and personal freedom, so they have the time and money to do live life the way they want to live it.

If that’s you, you’re in the right place!